Monday, November 3, 2008

Lies, Darned Lies, and E-Lies

Blown here and there by deceitfulness…Do we really care about truth?

Last month’s Christian Chronicle included a very good op-ed piece from Erik Tryggestad. In it he talks about how we just forward scandalous emails, often paying little mind as to the truthfulness of its content. Read it here:

My favorite quote from his article is:

…I suspect the intent of forwarded e-mail – just like gossip – has little to do with facts. We all bring preexisting biases to what we read. When we find a piece of information that fits our view of the world, we forward it to other, like-minded believers. We take comfort in our preconceptions – even if they have little basis in truth.

Hear. Hear.

It’s a very timely and worthwhile read, especially in today’s politically-charged atmosphere. I find it disturbing how many of us Christians fall into the trap of digesting, believing, and propulgating information that has been twisted and misconstrued by all of the political parties for their own gain. That’s why I am so appreciative of MSN for examining the statements made during the Obama-McCain and Biden-Palin debates, and publishing what the whole truth is. It kept both parties in check.

While Tryggestad’s writing references the current political landscape, I believe the sentiments he expresses easily apply to other segments of life. For example, I can’t count how many times I’ve received email chains from fellow believers forwarding information about a Tommy Hilfiger and Oprah Winfrey incident in which the latter kicks the former off of her show on account of his stating that his clothing line is not meant to be worn by non-whites. Come to find out, Hilfiger has never been a guest on Oprah, and the racial statement never happened. We ought to be ashamed of ourselves.

As with everything, I try to bring my point of view under the authority of scripture. “Speak the truth in love.” “Whatever is lovely, noble, of good report, think on those things.” “Love your enemies. Bless those who persecute you. Do not return evil for evil.” “You are the salt of the earth. If the salt loses its saltiness, of what value is it?”

Stay Salty. The world will thirst, and we’ll serve a cool glass of Living Water.