One Liner
An ordinary marriage is simply an overflow of an ordinary relationship with God.
Best App: Kindred
How Any Church Can Increase Their Giving, Justin
working with Kindred to increase
the giving at your church so you can continue to do ministry.
Most Godly
God Loves Fred, Jonathan
…to fight the monster with the monster’s game plan is to eventually become the monster. To hate Fred Phelps and to claim God does [too] is to invoke his idea of God and just replace the villains. That doesn’t mean that we can’t say certain behaviors are wrong. But If we are Jesus followers than we need to create worlds, where no matter what, whoever you are, we welcome and see the image of God in you. We’re not going to going to label and dismiss you. When we confront you it will not be because the world we have created is too small to deal with your sin, it will be because the world we created is large enough for you still. We're loud when we disagree and we're silent when the wrong people do the right things.
Keeping It Real
Do We Really Want Community, Micah
If we desire enduring community, we’ll sometimes
be required to sacrifice of our own priorities, even deeply felt ones, for the
sake of the family, the congregation, and all those other types of committed
fellowships that are increasingly disintegrating in our present day. This is a
bitter pill for us as members of a culture that glorifies independence, choice,
and individual autonomy. The decision to live in real community is a radically
counter-cultural one
Youthful Epiphany
Conflict Resolution: Most Importan Skill in
the World, Dawson Vosburg, Mission Year
If I talk a big game about loving your enemy in
the context of war or capital punishment but don’t give every moment and
decision and relationship of my life to that kind of forgiveness, it’s all just
a bunch of hot air.
Right On
Reframing Biblical Masculinity, Tim
2010, an Iowa dentist fired his assistant of ten years, because he suddenly found
himself sexually attracted to her, which adversely affected his marriage. I
heard plenty of people celebrate his commitment to his marriage. Fewer seemed
to ask why his marriage vows or his personal lusts were her responsibility.
When an adolescent boy gawks at a woman in church, we chastise her for
immodesty. When girls and women are raped, we ask, “Why did she put herself in
a compromising position?” When our
philosophy is “boys will be boys”, he is simply and innocently a man, but she
is a temptress.
From the Penthouse of Privilege, The Ghetto
Too often are poor and oppressed people
(especially people of color) regarded as threats here in America, while poor
and oppressed people in other countries are viewed as victims. This type of
perspective is dehumanizing to people here and to people abroad. To overlook
the problems here and to focus on issues elsewhere sends the message that poor
and oppressed American's problems are either insignificant, unimportant, or non
urgent and at the same time it leads to the objectification of the "exotic
other." I've seldom come across a mission group or charity organization
that submitted to the leadership of indigenous people, rather they import their
own ideas and solutions.