Monday, June 16, 2008

My First Father's Day!

It's so unreal! I celebrated my first Father's Day as Chloe's dad. Amy made it special with two beautiful cards, a gift certificate to get a sorely-needed massage, and a new water bottle for me to carry to work!

I wish I had profound thoughts and words to shower upon the masses.
I don't.
Just feelings of thanks and contentment.

Funny thing. I called my dad...
"Hey, dad! Happy Father's Day!"
"Hey, how's Chloe?"
He zooms straight to Chloe! Ha ha. She has definitely taken the front seat.

Church was encouraging too. I stood with the fathers amidst the applause of the people. We then had a special prayer and a powerful reading of Psalm 4. They aired a video clip of kid following his dad around, watching everything he does. Kids do notice. When Chloe is watching me, what will she learn about the way I treat strangers, how I handle conflict and disappointment, how I live with integrity? It really hit home to stop and ponder exactly how crucial my role is in my kids' lives. Humbling.

Kevin's sermon was good too. He said kids tend to adopt their mother's outlook on life; however, when it comes to religion, they tend to model their dad's point of view. That's why Godly fathers are so necessary. I recall another preacher long ago saying that when a father is unchurched, his children (particular boys) are highly likely to become the same way during adolesence. To the contrary, if the entire family is unchurched and the father becomes a Christian, then there's a 90% chance that the rest of the family will follow. Talk about being a leader and giving life to the family!

Last of all, I'm reminded of a song by Phillips, Craig, and Dean.

Lord, I want to be just like You
'Cause he wants to be like me.
I want to be a holy example
For his innocent eyes to see.
Help me be a living Bible, Lord,
That my little boy can read.
I want to be just like You,
'Cause he wants to be like me.

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