Monday, June 30, 2008

Thrilled to Death with Anhedonia

Anhedonia = the inability to experience pleasure or happiness; emotional numbness and loss of joy due to overstimulation; anti hedonism

It's hard to believe that our quest for excitement can end up leaving us unexcited. Anhedonia contributes to boredom and depression. If you think about it, we spend so much time stimulating ourselves unendingly with computers, cell phones, ipods, blackberries, busyness, and we (I) seem to be tackling some type of deadline-ridden to-do list. Then, to unwind from it all, what do we do? Stimulate ourselves some more! Video games, tv, movies, radio. And we need more and more of it to make ourselves feel better, so it leads us to seek extreme entertainment ala reality tv smackdowns, extreme sports, etc. When it's all over, we're still mentally exhausted and unfulfilled.

Maybe that's what's wrong with me. I feel worn out as if my mind can't rest. And I don't enjoy the things that I normally do: reading, music, dance. Is this a self-diagnosis of anhedonia?

This means it's time to kick the ole pleasure center in back into shape. Here's how to get over anhedonia (with my comments):

1. Limit the amount of excitement
2. Recapture the joy of little things (especially little things without circuits, I might add)
3. Control your adrenaline
4. Enjoy humor
5. Develop gratitude (that's totally biblical there, "In all things give thanks, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 thess 5:18)
6. Learn to be still, relax, and meditate (We reconnect with God in those quiet moments as shown in the scripture)
7. Make space for things that matter; re-connect with people

And here I am on my #1 stimulant-and-killer...the computer...writing this advisory. I'm logging off and enjoying my evening.

For expert info, see Dr. Archibald Hart's book, Thrilled to Death

Nope I haven't read it, but he gave a good radio interview.

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