Sunday, February 10, 2008

Baby Baby Baby

It's hard to believe that we're approximately 9-10 days away from gazing upon our child for the first time! My mind continuously churns myriad questions, thoughts, hopes, fears, and wonders.

I wonder what talents God has poured into her.
I can't wait to watch her language skills develop.
Will she love Mexican food like Mommy and Daddy?
Will she spew out guacamole, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, and olives like she ought to?
How will her hair and eyes look?
What type(s) of music will suit her tastes?
Can I teach her to dance and love the arts?
She probably can't help but to have a sense of humor like ours.
Will she learn to be a gracious host and great cook like Amy?
At what age will we walk in front of the church and baptize her as she proclaims Christ her own?
Will she be athletic, or bookish, or artistic, extrovert, introvert, silly, clever, brilliant?
From what university will she earn her doctorate?
What character traits will she cause me to develop?

Of course, these aren't the only questions, and there's a bunch that I don't even know to ask yet.
Yet at the end of the day, I'm excited!

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